Factorial function in python
Factorial function in python

factorial function in python

This will be the terminating condition of the recursive method. Check if the value of the argument is one, then return one from this method. Create a method which accepts one argument. A recursive method should have a condition which must cause it to return else it will keep on calling itself infinitely resulting in memory overflow.Ĭalculating the factorial of a number using the recursive method should work on the following algorithm. A method which calls itself is called a recursive method. Recursion means a method calling itself until some condition is met. Read more: What is Null in Python Finding factorial of a number in Python using Recursion We are printing the factorial value when it ends.

factorial function in python

This loop will exit when the value of ‘ n‘ will be ‘ 0‘.

factorial function in python

On each iteration of the loop, we are decreasing the value of ‘n‘ by ‘ one‘. The while loop will run until the value of ‘n’ is greater than ‘one’. Similar to the above program, the variable ‘ fact‘ is used to hold the final factorial value. ‘ factorialUsingWhileLoop‘ method is used to find out the factorial using a while loop. The only difference is that we are using one ‘ while‘ loop instead of a ‘ for loop‘. The math library which ships with Python has a factorial() method that returns the factorial of the provided number.Similar to the above program, we can use one ‘ while‘ loop to find out the factorial.

factorial function in python

Print("Factorial of ".format(num, fact)) Output Enter the Number :5 Print("Factorial of negative number is not defined") Program num = int(input("Enter the Number :")) Problem DefinitionĬreate a Python Program to find the factorial of the user-provided number. If n is an integer greater than or equal to 1, then factorial of n is, (n!) = 1*2*3*4.*nĪlso, the factorial value of 0 is equal to 1 and the factorial values for negative integers are not defined. Mathematically, the formula for the factorial is as follows. The factorial of a number is the product of all the integers from 1 to that number.

Factorial function in python